Sorry, Gays Only.

Sorry, Gays Only.

-Gabriella Meghan


I’ve decided to share a story that has weighed on my for over a month. Upon releasing my  poetry book “Tiny Mirrors,” I received the following email from LGBTQ+ publication, Echo Magazine:


OK, so it was clear this editor didn’t believe I was a lesbian, but in fact a straight ally (although it states it in my bio, linked in the initial email). I had my publicist email them back to politely correct them (in which we have not received a reply yet… but it has only been 40 days… who’s counting anyway?). To heal, I wrote.  I wrote because my femme sisters urged me to, because my gay brothers thought it was absurd, because my trans siblings were disgusted, and my straight allies (self identified) messaged me in the dozens telling me to speak up.

Femme invisibility is a very real thing, not only in our heteronormative society, but even within our own community! It is not OK that we simply assume one’s identity. I would have been far less in shock if they had simply asked. I am lesbian, I am femme, and I am not going anywhere anytime soon. So here’s to you Managing Editor of Echo Magazine.

With Love and Pride,

A Now Marginalized Proud Femme Lesbian Poet

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